Classes started 2 weeks ago and we are busy creating! Today starts week 3.
The 4 and 5 year old classes have made snowmen from clay. This is a process starting with globs of cold clay, following many detailed steps until there is finished product of a 3 ball snowman with hats. Then they dry out for a week and we come back and paint them. The children love coming in the following week and painting the snowmen, they all turned out wonderful! We all know the story of the little girl who dropped her "fragile" artwork in the parking lot and it broke into pieces, so we are all very careful to let an adult carry our snowmen, and we know that it is artwork to look at and not play with (or as one 4 year old said- do not let your little brother NEAR it).
The older classes are still finishing a Valentines pot of hearts. We started this project envisioning "Peace and Love" for Valentines- but the children have taken it in all directions.... We thought that they could paint peace signs on the pot and then we paper macheed hearts that we would paint and decorate and put in the pot -hence "Peace and Love" but they have really gone to town painting the pots with hearts, peace signs, X & O's, lots of colors- they look great! The 3 paper mache hearts are painted also and this week we will just do final touches and they will go home. I wish I had one.
I do have pictures of all the steps making the above projects, but my camera seems frozen- so I will get it fixed and post pictures asap-
We will be starting new art work today - so stay tuned.